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News and Events

To keep up to date with all our latest news and events, follow our Facebook page.

February 2025

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Countryside Park, Neatherd Moor

Update - February 2025

Dereham Town Council is very pleased to announce another stage in the development of the Countryside Park.  This week the Town Council was awarded £75,000 from The Forestry Commission through their Woodland Creation Grant to plant 2 hectares of woodland in the Countryside Park.

The scheme will see the planting of nearly 5,000 trees over the next 2-3 years along with additional paths, signage and a footbridge.  Work on some of the paths and footbridge will start this summer, with the first trees being planted next winter.  This next stage of planting follows on from the mile of hedging that was planted by the Town Council last winter.

The 2 hectares of woodland should, on average, absorb around 16 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, however the average annual carbon footprint of an individual in the UK is estimated at 14 tonnes per person.  So, while the impact on climate change might be minimal, the planting has been designed to increase biodiversity and help natural systems adapt to the stresses of climate change in the coming years.

January 2025

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Dereham Allotments

Try something new this year and apply for an Allotment Plot today!


There are many benefits to having an allotment plot, which include exercise, fresh air, organic home grown food, stress relief and a sense of community.


We currently have plots available at our Cemetery Road, Dumpfield, Cherry Lane I, Cherry Lane II and Southend allotment sites, with no waiting lists.


Visit the Dereham Town Council website to download an allotment application form, or request one from the Town Council Office.




Phone: 01362 693821


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Grants Approved

Dereham Town Council have recently approved various grants to help organisations within Dereham:

Dereham Meeting Point – £1000 Grant

Dereham Hospital – £500 Grant

Norfolk Community Law Service – £250 Grant

Hope for Tomorrow – £650 Grant

For more information and to find out if your organisation may be eligible for a grant, visit our website:

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Update on Fire at Barwells Court Public Toilets


We are sorry to say that at 6pm on the evening of the 15th January 2025 a group of people took it upon themselves to remove a wheelie bin and set it on fire within the urinals.


Fortunately, there is good CCTV coverage of the area.  Extensive footage clearly showing all those involved has been passed onto the Police.


This is a criminal offence and the Police are treating the matter very seriously.


Of the group present, even if you did not start the fire, you could be found guilty of an offence, and you may face prosecution.


Barwells Court Toilets are therefore currently closed, and will be re-opened as soon as repairs have been made and it is safe for the public to use them again.

You can read the Dereham Times articles here:

December 2024

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Dereham Christmas Eve Market - Tuesday 24 December 2024

The following traders joined us for the Dereham Christmas Eve Market in Dereham Market Place for those last minute gifts, treats and essentials:

- Orchard End Nursery - Flowers, Plants, Chrsitmas Wreaths

- Plantation farm - Fruit, Veg, Eggs & Honey

- Son of Christie - Cheese, Ham, Crackers

- Rashers snack Bar Dereham - Burgers & Breakfasts

- Tommy’s Ices - Hot Desserts & Hot Drinks

- Tinkers Creation's - Gifts and all things Personalised

- Old School Classics & Delicious Goodies - Old School Cakes, Biscuits & Tarts

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New Play Equipment

Toftwood Recreation Ground

Cllr Linda Monument, Mayor of Dereham and Cllr Kendra Cogman inspect new play equipment installed by Dereham Town Council at the Recreation Ground in Toftwood.

This is the third play area Dereham Town Council has refurbished in 2024. the others being School Lane and the Recreation Ground on London Road.

Girling Road Play area is set to be refurbished in 2025, and two new play areas created at Sandy Lane and Old Becclesgate.

Dereham Town Council takes over four pieces of open space from Breckland District Council

Dereham Town Council is pleased to announce that Breckland District Council has now transferred four pieces of land to the Town Council at nil cost. The four pieces of land are located at Girling Road, Alexander Way, Sandy Lane and Old Becclesgate, and will mean that the Town Council can continue with its aspiration of improving play provision across Dereham.

Linda Monument, Mayor of Dereham said, “For some years now the Town Council has been working to improve play provision throughout the Town. Acquiring these 4 pieces of land means that Nearly £250,000 of play improvements will be in place ready for the summer. We are grateful to Breckland Council for transferring the land at nil-cost as this releases more funds to invest in play equipment”.

She went on to say, “Challenging play is a vital part of a child’s social and physical development. I am really pleased with the work the Town Council has been doing to improve play provision in recent years and, with these new initiatives, I believe Dereham will have some of the best play provision in the County”.

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November 2024

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Dereham Christmas Lights Event

Sunday 24 November 2024


Dereham Town Council have unfortunately had to make the very difficult decision to cancel Sunday’s Dereham Christmas Lights Event. This is due to public safety concerns, with storm Bert expected to produce dangerous and damaging gale force wind speeds/gusts.

After a year of planning, we can appreciate that this may not be the news anyone wanted to hear, however we must put public safety, as well as the safety of stallholders/performers/volunteers/everyone involved, at the forefront of this decision.

Unfortunately the event can not be rescheduled.

Next year's event is due to be held on Sunday 30 November 2025.

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Dereham Christmas Lights Event

Sunday 24 November 2024

From 1pm

Not long to go until Dereham's Christmas Lights get switched on! We can't wait to see you all there!

There will be fair rides, donkey rides, food vendors, Santa's Grotto in the Assembly Rooms (from 1.30pm), face painting & hair braiding, performances on stage and plenty of stalls, many of which are run by local groups and organisations raising money for various charities.


Performances will commence from 2pm on the stage in the Market Place in front of the Cinema:

- Keely Rayner & Guests

- Galaxy Twirlers

- Dereham Theatre Company

- Busybodies Stage School

- RockavoX

- Communal Carol Singing with the Dereham Churches Together Choir

Light Switch On by the Dereham Community Litter Pickers at 4.30pm

We have a delicious bunch of food vendors joining us for the event:

Bakes By Jas

Rashers snack Bar Dereham

Harris's Hog Roast

The Food Dude

Field Coffee

Tommy’s Ices

Showtime Sausages

Bee Sweet

Mari's Bakes

We will have two, YES TWO, face painting artists for you; one outside in the Market Place and one inside in the Assembly Rooms:

Mythical Makeover

Holly's Hair-Braiding & Glitter Tattoos

It is a pleasure to organise this event for you all, and we really hope you enjoy what is on offer on the day!

A road closure order will be in effect for the Market Place and Church Street from 8am-8pm. Access will be for emergency services and event business only. Busses will therefore not be serving the town centre bus stops. Busses will instead be stopping on Cowper Road (outside the Bupa dentist). Please contact the relevant bus company directly with any bus-related or timetable queries you may have.

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Dereham Christmas Lights Event - Sunday 24 November 2024 - ANNOUNCEMENT

Dereham Town Council are please to announce that, due to their hard work and dedication to keeping Dereham tidy, the Dereham Community Litter Pickers will be switching on the Dereham Christmas Lights on Sunday 24 November 2024 at 16:30 in Dereham Town Centre!

We look forward to seeing you all from 1pm on the 24 November for a fun filled day of fair rides, donkey rides, Santa's Grotto, stalls, food and more!!

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Dereham Remembrance Parade - Sunday 10 November 2024

Dereham has a strong commitment to remembering the fallen.  The 2024 Remembrance Parade will take place on Sunday 10th November.


The parade, led by Dereham Band, will set off at 10.47am from the Cherry Tree Car Park and march to the War Memorial.  A two minute silence will be kept at 11.00am, after which wreaths will be laid.  The parade will then continue along the Market Place to St Nicholas’ Church where a service of Remembrance will be held.

Road closures will be in place affecting access to the Market Place from 10.40am until midday at the junctions of High Street and Norwich Street (by Argos), Swaffham Hill at the Quebec Road junction, and Wellington Road at the Cowper Road junction.


Please note that buses will not serve Market Place bus stops during the closure period.


If you are attending the event and travelling by car, access to the Cherry Tree Car Park between 10.00am and midday will only be via the Theatre Street entrance (Cemetery Road / Kings Road) for the safety of those taking part in the parade.


Dereham Town Council wishes to thank the Royal British Legion (Dereham Branch) for their invaluable help in organizing this year’s parade.

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Dereham Remembrance Parade - Sunday 10 November 2024

Advanced notice of temporary road closure in Dereham Town Centre - Sunday 10 November 2024, 10.30-12.00, for the Dereham Remembrance Parade.

Bus details for Sunday Morning are detailed on the Konnect Bus website, click on “1 active service update”:

There is currently no information on the First Bus website in regards to the disruption.  Please contact First Bus directly for further information, if you think your journey may be affected on Sunday:

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September 2024

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Civic Service - Cllr Linda Monument - 8th September 2024

On Sunday 8th September Dereham Mayor, Cllr Linda Monument, held her Civic Service at St. Nicholas Church, led by Revd Paul Cubitt, we were also very lucky to have The Bishop of Lynn preaching.

A reception was held afterwards at Dereham Memorial Hall with an amazing buffet supplied by the Boston Travelling Tea Party.

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August 2024

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Outdoor Cinema - 24 August 2024

Thank you to everyone who made Saturday's Outdoor Cinema event happen, from planning, to being there on the day, rain and shine (the weather did clear up for the last film)!

- Holly's Hair-Braiding & Glitter Tattoos

- Bakes By Jas

- Bee Sweet

- The Railway Tavern

- Reesey's Ice Cream

- Pizza Roma

- SuperBurger & Little Donuts

- Viking Stage Lighting

- Justin Steward Clearances & Recycling

- Dereham Scouts

- Justin Dack

- Dereham Memorial Hall

- Town Council Office Staff

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Outdoor Cinema - 24 August 2024

Thank you to all of you who cast your vote to help decide which films to show at the Outdoor Cinema!  The results are in!

1st place kids film - WONKA (PG)

1st place adults film - TOP GUN: MAVERICK (12A)

2nd place adults film - MAMMA MIA! (PG)

More information and timings to follow soon...

Keep an eye on our website & social media pages so you don't miss out!

Outdoor Cinema - 24 August 2024

Help us decide which films to screen at our Outdoor Cinema, due to be held on Saturday 24 August 2024 on Fleece Meadow - Click this link to have your say

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July 2024

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Be Nice to Bees

Aspen Walk Play Area

Nature can sometimes be inconvenient, but always fascinating!

Notices have gone up to alert people to KEEP AWAY from the play tunnel at the Aspen Walk Play area. Mining bees have started nesting over the tunnel. Mining bees are solitary bees but can nest singularly or in aggregations.

As with all solitary bees, they tend not to be aggressive unless disturbed. If we keep away from them they will not bother us.

There are many types of Mining Bees, these appear to be the Yellow Legged Mining Bee (Andrena flavipes), more information can be found here and here.  The Yellow Legged Mining Bee plays host to a cuckoo bee, Nomada fucata.

These bees lay eggs in the nest of the Yellow Legged Mining bee, who then nurture the egg to adulthood.

According to the Norfolk Wild Life Trust there are around 260 species of bees in Norfolk, but there has been a dramatic decline in recent years, with 19 species completely disappearing from Norfolk, 2 of which are now thought to be extinct. The cold, wet spring this year has been particularly difficult for insects, so please support the bees, keep clear and let nature run its course.

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South Green Garden Steps - Public Right of Way

Click here for more information and to download the Evidence Pack.

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June 2024

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D-DAY 80 - 06 June 2024

A moving D-Day Commemoration service took place at Dereham War Memorial this morning at 06:30.

Royal British Legion Standard Bearers, Town Councillors and members of the public joined Rev Paul Cubitt in a short service marking the time the first beach landings started 80 years ago.

Councillor Linda Monument, Mayor of Dereham, said “The moments just before the service were very moving as our thoughts went back 80 years to moments just before many thousands of young men disembarked from landing craft to face the unimaginable on the beaches of Normandy. I would like to thank all those that joined with us this morning, it is so important that we all continue to remember the bravery and the sacrifice that earnt our freedoms; we will remember them”.

D-Day 80th Anniversary - 6th June 2024 - Flag Ceremony


At 6:30am on the 6th June 1944 the Normandy Beach Landings began.

While the D Day Landings were an immense military success which led to the liberation of Europe, it was at the cost of a great many young lives.

To commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the D Day Landings, Dereham Town Council will be raising the Union Flag at the War Memorial at the same time the landings began at 6:30am. The Flag will immediately be lowered to half mast while a short commemoration service takes place, after which the Union Flag will be returned to full mast for the rest of the day.

Members of the public are very welcome to attend this short ceremony.

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New Bus Shelters - George Eliot Way & Hillcrest Avenue, Toftwood, Dereham

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Le Paradis, France - 25 May 2024

On Saturday 25 May 2024 Dereham Town Mayor, Councillor Linda Monument, along with Deputy Mayor, Councillor Ray O’Callaghan, and former Mayor, Councillor Hugh King, visited Le Paradis, with members of the Royal British Legion.

The Councillors attended a ceremony at The Barn, Le Paradise in Northern France to commemorate the 97 British soldiers who were massacred at Le Paradise on 27 May 1940.

Each year on the anniversary of the massacre, the local council and people of Le Paradis remember the 97 people who died with a parade through the town to the memorial located at the church, and then visit the actual site of the massacre, a small barn.

Councillor Monument said “It was a very moving experience to be able to join the French people in honouring the 97, both at the memorial by the church and at the site. We took wreaths with us which we laid at the memorial and in front of the barn.”

The visit to france was arranged and funded by the Councillors themselves. Wreaths were laid on behalf of the residents of Dereham.

May 2024

Annual Town Meeting - Tuesday 21 May 2024

Councillor Linda Monument

Town Mayor


Councillor Ray O’Callaghan

Deputy Town Mayor


At the Annual Town Meeting held on Tuesday 21 May 2024, Councillor Linda Monument was appointed the Town Mayor, with Councillor Ray O’Callaghan appointed as the Deputy Town Mayor.

Town Councillors also celebrated the 50th anniversary of Dereham Town Council, formed in 1974 as part of the Local Government Act.

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Dereham Day - 11 May 2024

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On Saturday 11th May the third instalment of Dereham Day took place at Dereham Memorial Hall, along with various other venues around the town.  Organised by Friends of Dereham Memorial Hall and opened by Audrey Foster ATS/RA, the day was a huge success! Photos courtesy of Council staff and the Friends of Dereham Memorial Hall Facebook page.

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The Recreation Ground - Funding Announcement

Dereham Town Council are pleased to announce being awarded £13,695 National Lottery Community funding towards new accessible play equipment at the Dereham Recreation Ground. The grant is part of an £85,000 project to upgrade the play area at the well-used park. The additional funding has enabled the inclusion of more accessible play equipment for children with disabilities.

Hugh King, Mayor of Dereham, said “The Council endeavours to provide accessible equipment on all new play areas, but I am really pleased that, as a result of this funding, the Town Council will be able to provide additional items for children with disabilities at the Recreation Ground.”

He went on to say that “The Recreation Ground was chosen for the additional accessible equipment because it has paved access and is a central location.”

The Recreation Ground is one of five play areas planned to be refurbished by Dereham Town Council over the next few months. The total cost of all the improved play areas is over £430,000. This work has been driven by the Town Council’s Play and Open Spaces Assessment, which identified areas of the Town with poor provision for play. The improvements planned will help ensure that play is more accessible for more children across more of the Town. Other play areas to be refurbished are Girling Road, Sandy Lane, School Lane and Old Becclesgate.

Fun Fair

Gray Brothers Fun Fair are returning to Dereham Recreation Ground from Friday 10th May through to Sunday 19th May 2024!

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April 2024

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Dereham Band – Grant Approved


Dereham Town Council have recently approved a £500 grant for Dereham Band towards this year’s Summer Sunday Concerts in the Ellenor Fenn Garden. These concerts are open to everyone and always prove very popular with Dereham residents.

Dereham Band offer a safe and happy place for brass instrument players of all ages and abilities to meet and make music. They often play concerts for the residents of Dereham and surrounding areas, and are also available for private functions.  Visit their Facebook page to find out more.

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Dereham Community Crafters – Grant Approved


Dereham Town Council have recently approved a £400 grant for the Dereham Community Crafters towards this year’s D-Day commemoration event on 06 June 2024.

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings on 6 June 1944, also known as D-Day. The historic operation saw the Allied Forces mount a large-scale invasion of Nazi-occupied France that ultimately tipped the course of the Second World War in the Allies’ favour.

The Dereham Community Crafters event will be based in the Ellenor Fenn Garden and will include historian, author and presenter Neil Storey, who will be acting as a soldier returned from the beaches, telling stories of the day. BBC News broadcasts will be playing, along with live music performances of war time songs, with food and drink provided, all authentic war time recipes! There will be plenty of children’s themed activities and the Ellenor Fenn Garden will be decorated for the event.

The Dereham Community Crafters hold regular weekly and monthly meetings at Dereham Library which are open to all ages and abilities. Visit their Facebook page to find out more.

Dereham St Nicholas Bowls Club – Grant Approved


Dereham Town Council have recently approved a £1000 grant for the Dereham St Nicholas Bowls Club towards replacing rotten and unsafe fencing.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the bowls club, they are having an open day on 20 April 2024, details can be found on their Facebook page, or contact them directly for further information.

Dereham St Nicholas Bowls Club will also be attending this year’s Dereham Day on Saturday 11 May at Dereham Memorial Hall. Pop by for a fun day out and to support local organisations.

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March 2024

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The Great British Spring Clean

23rd March 2024

Dereham Town Mayor Hugh King, and other Town Councillors, were delighted to join the Dereham Community Litter Pickers for their Great British Spring Clean litter pick on Saturday 23 March 2024.

Visit the Dereham Community Litter Pickers Facebook page for information on upcoming litter picks. The more the merrier.

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Dereham Cancer Care Turning Dereham Purple Day

13th March 2024

Dereham Town Council raised the purple flag in support of Dereham Cancer Care.

For more information about Dereham Cancer Care, please visit

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February 2024

Tree Planting

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January 2024

Nesting Boxes

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December 2023

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November 2023

Dereham Christmas Lights Event - Sunday 26th November 2023

Join us on Sunday 26th November from 1pm for this year's official turning on of the Dereham Christmas Lights.  This year we have the wonderful Miss Dee Licious switching on the lights at 4.30pm!  There will be stalls, food vendors, Santa's Grotto, performances on stage by local groups, donkey rides, fair rides and more!  A great day out and fun for all the family!

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Dereham Remembrance Parade

Dereham has a strong commitment to remembering the fallen and this year’s Remembrance Parade took place on Sunday 12th November. The parade, led by Dereham Band, set off at 10.50am and marched to the War Memorial. A two minutes’ silence was held at 11.00am, after which wreaths were laid. The parade then continued along the Market Place to St Nicholas’ Church where  a service of Remembrance was held.

Road closures were in place affecting access to the Market Place from 10.50am until midday at the junctions of High Street / Norwich Street, Swaffham Hill / Quebec Road and Wellington Road / Cowper Street. Buses did not serve Market Place bus stops during the closure period. 


The Town Council wishes to thank the Royal British Legion (Dereham Branch) for their invaluable help in organizing this year’s parade.

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September 2023

Fun Fair

Gray Brothers Fun Fair are returning to Dereham Recreation Ground from Friday 1st September through to Sunday 10th September

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August 2023



Saturday August 19th was the date of our outdoor cinema on Fleece Meadow!

See Outdoor Cinema Event for more details!

Well....what can we say? What an AMAZING turn out for our first ever Outdoor Cinema Event!

We wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you for making it such a brilliant day! Also thanks to our volunteers, bar staff and food vendors - and a big shout out to Viking Stage Lighting for providing the screen and sound equipment, and ensuring the event went off without a hitch!

Dereham Memorial Hall


The Railway Tavern


Bakes By Jas

Bee Sweet

Colin Spillman (Rasher's Snack Bar)

Josh’s Nosh

Hoggies - Norfolk

Justin Steward Clearances & Recycling

Central Norfolk Scouts

July 2023

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On Wednesday 26 July the Mayor attended the opening night of Dereham Theatre Company's production of School of Rock, currently showing at Dereham Memorial Hall (pictured here alongside the cast and Chairman of Breckland Council)

Tickets are still available for this incredible show - visit to book your seats!

(photo credit: Dereham Theatre Company)

June 2023

We are pleased to see that Neatherd Pond is thriving following dredging that took place last August. You can read more about it on the Dereham Times website.

Photo Credit: Dereham Times

May 2023

Thank you to all those that attended our Coronation Celebration at Fleece Meadow on Saturday. We were so disappointed to not have the big screen in time for the Coronation This was completely out of our control, and we were extremely grateful to Paul Sandford from The Railway Tavern for providing us with a large TV to tide us over until the screen arrived in time for our (very soggy ) film night!

At the risk of sounding like an Oscars speech, we would just like to say a huge thank you to the following who joined us or helped out on the day...

VTS Event Medical Services

Premier Parties

Norfolk Farmers Market UK

Kidz Pop Party

Fairgreen Ceilidh Band

Hoggies - Norfolk

Josh’s Nosh

The Bucket List - Norfolk



Jessica Powley Music

Marty D

Keely Rayner

Sidecar sadie and The Champagne Charlies

Bezerkaz Circus

Justin Steward Clearances & Recycling

Justin Dack

The Railway Tavern



April 2023

On Thursday 27 April the Mayor, Councillor Hugh King, unveiled a blue plaque commemorating J.J. Wright & Sons Ltd

Group Photo - JJ Wright Plaque
Mayor with former JJ Wright Employee
Plaque JJ Wright

March 2023

June 2022

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January 2023

November 2022

Remembrance Parade

Dereham's annual Remembrance Parade will take place on Sunday 13th November, commencing at 10.50am. Deputy Lord Lieutenant Mary Rudd, Dereham Town Mayor Cllr Hugh King, and Cllr Peter Wilkinson of Breckland Council will lay wreaths at the War Memorial, along with groups representing current and ex-military personnel, the Royal British Legion, local cadet forces and youth groups. Dereham Band will lead the parade. A service of remembrance will follow at St Nicholas Church at 11.45am, led by Revd. Paul Cubitt. Temporary road closures will affect the area around the War Memorial and Market Place between 10.40 and midday. Passengers travelling by bus are asked to use earlier or later services.


October 2022

On Sunday 30 October 2022 the Mayor of Dereham, Councillor Hugh King, took part in the annual Civic Service at St. Nicholas Church, followed by a reception at Dereham Memorial Hall. Along with his fellow town councillors, Councillor King was joined by many guests including the Deputy Lieutenant Philip Curl, the Revd Canon Paul Cubitt, and several mayors and chairmen from the local area.

A buffet was provided by Tall Orders - Dereham


September 2022

On Sunday 11 September at 4pm the local Proclamation for Dereham was read by the Mayor, Cllr Hugh King at Dereham Memorial Hall. We were privileged to be joined by Lt. Col. Ian Lonsdale - Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, Town Councillors and many members of the public.

Once the Proclamation had been read, the Union Flag was returned to half-mast where it will remain until the morning after the Queen's funeral.

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"On behalf of the Town Council and the people of Dereham.

At this sad time, we wish to pay tribute to your service, be thankful for a long and blessed life and express our sadness at your passing.

You were and will always be loved, and your memory held dear to our hearts"

~Hugh King, Mayor of Dereham

It is with great sadness that we have received the news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.

A book of condolence will be available at St. Nicholas Church, Dereham from tomorrow (9 September), for those who wish to send a personal message of condolence. Floral tributes can also be left at the church.

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Service for Private William O'Callaghan

May 2022


Dereham Mayor, Cllr Hugh King, attended a service on Sunday (May 22) to remember Private William O'Callaghan.

War Memorial


We are thrilled to have received an award for the Best Kept War Memorial in Norfolk 2021, presented to us by the Royal British Legion.

Unveiled in 1922, the war memorial is dedicated to the men of Dereham who lost their lives in the First and Second World Wars.


Photo Credit: Dereham Times

Dereham Day - 14th May 2022


On Saturday 14th May the first ever Dereham Day took place at Dereham Memorial Hall. Organised by Friends of Dereham Memorial Hall and opened by George Freeman MP, the day was a great success! Photos courtesy of Council staff and the Friends of Dereham Memorial Hall Facebook page.


October 2021

On Sunday 10th October Dereham Mayor, Cllr Stuart Green, held his Civic Service at St. Nicholas Church. Led by Revd Paul Cubitt we were also very lucky to have The Bishop of Lynn preaching. You can watch the service here:

A reception was held afterwards at Dereham Memorial Hall with an amazing buffet supplied by Tall Orders

Stuart with Chairmen_edited.jpg
Stuart with Rev & Bishop_edited.jpg

September 2021

Coming back to Dereham Rec, the ever-popular Gray Brothers Fun Fair! From Friday 3 September through to Sunday 12 September, come and enjoy the rides, games and refreshments on offer! Open weekdays from 6pm, and weekends from 2pm. 

June 2021


During the pandemic, the unpaid volunteers from St John's Ambulance have given thousands of hours supporting the NHS by providing ambulances and crews, in A&E units and by providing specific training to the military and other volunteers.

They are playing a crucial role in the COVID-19 vaccination roll out, training over 26,000 volunteers to administer the vaccine and support NHS vaccination centres throughout the country. 

St John's Day was on 24 June and to help recognise and celebrate the work of the volunteers, we participated in "Light it Green" by turning the War Memorial and church green. 

Light it Green3.jpg
Light it Green.jpg
Light it Green2.jpg

April 2021

Coming back to Dereham Rec, the ever-popular Gray Brothers Fun Fair! From Friday 30 April through to Sunday 9 May, come and enjoy the rides, games and refreshments on offer! Open weekdays from 6pm, and weekends/Bank Holiday from 2pm. 

Funfair Flyer
Universal Circus Flyer

Unfortunately last year the Russells International Circus scheduled visit to Dereham recreation ground had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are excited to announce that their sister show UNIVERSAL CIRCUS will be visiting Dereham later this year from the 9th until 13th June. Several people still have tickets that were purchased last year as part of an early bird offer. These tickets will now be valid for Universal Circus. If you have early bird tickets from last year then please call the circus box office on 07752 218805 and the team will be happy to book you in for whichever show you wish to attend.

Head to the website for more information on Universal Circus.

March 2021



























February 2021

Are you interested in joining the council? A vacancy for a Town Councillor to serve on Dereham Town Council is now available. If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, please contact us about attending our next Full Council meeting, due to be held on the 9 March 2021 via zoom. 

Notice of Vacancy


January 2021

Are you interested in joining the council? Vacancies for two Town Councillors to serve on Dereham Town Council are now available. If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, please contact us about attending our next Full Council meeting, due to be held on the 9 March 2021 via zoom. 

Notice of Vacancy

Notice of Vacancy


November 2020

Wanda Clinton recently approached us with the idea of placing a Christmas Tree at Norwich Road Cemetery as a place for people to leave messages or memories for loved ones that are sadly no longer with us. We thought it was a lovely idea, and so you can now find a tree within our Remembrance Shelter, which you are welcome to decorate with a small message or memento for your loved ones.

Any item left will be left at your own risk, and we would suggest that you do not leave any items of monetary value. The tree will be here all over the Christmas period, and will be taken down in early February.


The Act of Remembrance 2020

We hope that Dereham residents will understand that we are having to manage this year's commemorative service very carefully as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and associated restrictions. 

Dereham Town Council is acutely aware that Remembrance Sunday is a very important day for the residents of Dereham, and we hope that any prevailing Covid-19 restrictions will allow us to make this very important day with dignity and respect.

With regards to the Act of Remembrance 2020, please note the following:

  1. There will be no parade this year through the town centre.

  2. The Act of Remembrance, two minutes silence and prayer will be observed as normal at the War Memorial. 

  3. Wreaths will be laid by the civic dignitaries, representatives of the uniformed services and representatives from the British Armed Forces only (these organisations have been notified).

  4. Other organisations will lay their wreaths throughout the rest of the day.

  5. There will be no church service after the Act of Remembrance.

  6. In line with new restrictions, members of the public are advised not to attend the Act of Remembrance. 

  7. In order that as many people as possible can participate in the service remotely and safely, the Act of Remembrance will be live streamed on Dereham Town Council's Youtube channel.


We hope that we have been able to strike the right balance between being able to demonstrate the Town’s commitment to Remembrance while ensuring that people attending the Act of Remembrance are themselves kept safe.

July 2020

Our Play Areas will be open again from Saturday 4th July 2020


So that everybody can play safely, we will clean and sanitize all frequently touched surfaces in play areas twice per week.

To reduce the risk of transmission of the COVID-19 virus for everybody using the play areas, we ask that you take care too.

You are expected to:

• Wash your hands with soap and water before coming to the play area;

• Bring your personal hand sanitizer and apply it before entering the play area, periodically during play and on leaving the play area;

• Wash your hands with soap and water when you return home - ensuring they are washed thoroughly before eating;

• Avoid touching your face while playing;

• Not consume food at the play area.

You are encouraged to bring your own wipes and clean frequently touched surfaces before play.

Remember social distancing is still important:

• Keep two metres away from other family groups;

• One family group per piece of equipment at any time;

• Be patient! The play areas are likely to be busy, particularly at first. If they are, please come back at a different time.

Thank you for your co-operation

June 2020​


Fires on Allotments

Temporary ban from 26 June - 31 October 2020 inclusive

Following a number of complaints and an incident where the Fire & Rescue Service were called out, fires on ALL allotment sites are temporarily banned until November. 

Many people are very anxious and nervous at this current time. Smoke from fires is an unnecessary addition to some people's anxieties, and a nuisance to people in nearby properties wishing to be outside. 

Dry weather has also increased the risk of fires spreading. All emergency services are under great pressure at the moment, and should not have to risk their own health to attend unnecessary fires on allotments; a hazard which can be prevented by your acceptance of this ban.

Any fires during the banned period will automatically be classed as a 'nuisance' and/or 'an annoyance to neighbouring properties' and will result in immediate termination of tenancy. 

We trust that you will appreciate the reason for this temporary ban and ask for your full co-operation. 

Thank you. 

March 2020​


Due to the current situation regarding the Covid-19 virus and the limited number of staff we have available, we have taken the decision to restrict public access to our building.

If you need to speak to Dereham Town Council, please contact us on 01362 693821 or email

Our office hours are 8:30am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

December 2019

From all of us at Dereham Town Council we wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

November 2019

A big thank you to everyone that attended the Christmas light switch-on!

Please enjoy some photos from the day, courtesy of Councillors A Brooks & H Bushell.

































Join the town on Sunday 24 November for the switching on of the Christmas lights this year!

Enjoy a funfair, watch some wonderful acts on stage, and you can even meet Santa in his Grotto! Scratby Donkeys will also be here providing donkey rides and two reindeer along Church Street! 

Lights will be switched on at 4:30pm.


Stage Acts:

Stone in the Sand

Act Two Performing Arts

Ruben on his guitar

Dereham Theatre Company

Churches Together


Thai Street Food
Get Stuffed Catering Company
Whippy Nick's Ice Cream & Desserts
Fab Fudge
Harris's Hog Roast
Handmade by Lucy
Spire Solicitors LLP
Dereham Meeting Point
Whizz Kids
Dementia Friendly Dereham
1st Dereham Guides
Dereham Cricket Club
Fabulous Brownies
Dereham Baptist Church

Come and join the fun!


October 2019

This year's lights switch-on event will be taking place in the Market Place on 24 November. 

If you would like a stall at this event, please complete a form and return to us at Dereham Town Council, Assembly Rooms, Quebec Street, Dereham, NR19 2DJ or by email to All forms MUST be accompanied by a copy of your Public Liability Insurance and must reach us by 8 November 2019. Applications will be considered on a first-come-first-served basis.

Due to the above event, there will be no access for vehicles through the Market Place from 8am through to 8pm on 24 November.

Christmas Lights

September 2019

We are hiring! See our Job Vacancies page for details.

August 2019


On the 16 August 2019 the refurbishment of Toftwood Pond Park was officially finished. The park is now open - enjoy! This marks the third play area Dereham Town Council have refurbished; keep your eyes peeled for news about the next one! 

June 2019


The tennis courts on the Recreation Ground will be unavailable on the 6th and 7th June, to allow for maintenance to be carried

May 2019


The election of Parish Councillors was held on the 2 May 2019. Results can be seen by visiting the Breckland website.

Following the recent election result, we need to co-opt three new Councillors. We work together to bring improvements to town facilities. No previous political experience needed, just your commitment to attend meetings regularly and support the work of the Town Council.

The role and responsibilities of the Town Council can be found on our website, or for further information contact the Town Clerk on 01362 693821.

If you are interested in putting yourself forward for co-option, please submit a short statement confirming that you fulfil the legal requirements to be a Dereham Councillor and say why you want to become a Councillor. All statements must be submitted to the Town Council by 29 May 2019. Email, or send to The Assembly Rooms, Quebec Street, Dereham, NR19 2DJ. You will be invited to attend the Council meeting on 11 June 2019 and present your statement to the Council.

Become a Councillor

On the 21 May work begins on the £200,000 play area at Toftwood Pond Park. Please bear with us whilst the renovations take place!

October 2018


Mayor Hilary Bushell's Civic Reception was held on the 21 October.

Cllr Hilary Bushell Civic Reception

June 2018

We were delighted to have the Dereham Air Cadets with us on the 7 June, cleaning and painting the War Memorial as part of National Volunteers Week. We think you will agree, they have done a fantastic job! Thank you to all involved!

Dereham Air Cadets

February 2018

The Mayor visited Dereham's Cat Protection on the 15 February for a tour of the facilities, and to take a look at the work being undertaken to transform the centre into a venue for cat care and adoption excellence.

Dereham Cat Protection

On the 9 February, to commemorate 100 years since the Bill of Representation Act 1918 was passed, the Mayor along with three former Mayors of the town, attended Dereham Market with 20 students from Northgate High School, who paraded from Cemetery Road to the Market Place.

Hilary Bushell Bill of Representation 1918

December 2017

Mayor Hilary Bushell spread some festive cheer in December by presenting hampers of goodies to our emergency services.

Dereham Mayor with Fire Service
Dereham Mayor with Paramedic
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